Raija Mattila / Robert Rollinger / Sebastian Fink: Introduction
Bibliography of the Publications of Simo Parpola since 2008
Tzvi Abusch: A Further Note on Maqlû III 1–30: Another Example of a First Person Ritual Description in a Maqlû Incantation
Selim Ferruh Adalı: Sin-iddinam’s Royal Inscription Schøyen MS 5000 and the Umman-manda
Amar Annus: Memory Techniques and Synaesthesia among Mesopotamian Scholars
Sanna Aro: Thureau-Dangin, Šamšī-ilu and the Lions of Til Barsip: Some Remarks
Johannes Bach: Aššur-da’’in-aplu, the Older and the Younger
Ariel M. Bagg: The Good Vassal: Edom under the Assyrians
Edward Dąbrowa: The Babylonian Astronomical Diaries as a Source for the History of the Arsacids
Stefania Ermidoro: Hidden in Plain Sight: The ‘Firing Holes’ on Ashurbanipal’s Prisms
Betina Faist: A Neo-Assyrian Riddle
Salvatore Gaspa: The Western Trade Scenario and Assyria’s Economic Policy
Aino Hätinen: Šubši-mešrê-Šakkan and his Gods: On Personal Deities in Ludlul bēl nēmeqi
Hartmut Kühne: Considerations about the Localization of Eluḫat (Eluḫut) on the Upper Tigris
Mikko Luukko: Some Remarks on the King of Assyria as the Sun God
John MacGinnis: Earthquakes in Assyria
Maria Grazia Masetti-Rouault: “Why Me?” or “To Be or Not to Be”: Prince Kumma’s Netherworld Vision as an Aspect of Esarhaddon’s Apologetic Creations
Natalie Naomi May: Neo-Assyrian Eunuch-Scholars
Daniele Morandi Bonacossi: An Itinerant Tribute-Bearer’s Head from Sargon II’s Palace at Khorsabad
Davide Nadali: Live Sketches? Convention vs Realism in Assyrian Art
Martti Nissinen: Male Action in Akkadian and Hebrew Love Poetry
Takayoshi M. Oshima: Acting Out Suffering: The Rationale Behind Šubši-mešrê-Šakkan’s “Funerary” Rite in Ludlul II and V
Beate Pongratz-Leisten: Gilgamesh’s Lapis Lazuli Tablet in the Cultural Memory of Ancient Mesopotamia
Julian Edgeworth Reade: Mountaineers in Mesopotamia
Saana Svärd: “A rose by any other name …”: A note on writing conventions of Aššur and Ištar
Krzysztof Ulanowski: The Concept of Just War in the Ancient Mesopotamian and Greek Traditions
Matt Waters: SAA 21 134 and the Curious Case of Teispes(?) the šūt rēši
Agnieszka Wojciechowska: Cambyses and Artaxerxes III in Egypt: Literary Topos and beyond
Shigeo Yamada: The Šulgi Prophecy in the Kassite and Neo-Assyrian Periods: A Consideration of the Original Composition and its Later Reception
Shana Zaia: Plan B(abylonia): Adapting Neo-Assyrian Imperial Projects to Local Circumstances in Babylonia