Tabula Gratulatoria
Map of Sites Dealt with in this Volume
Introduction: Karin Bartl – An Appreciation
Publications of Karin Bartl
Ricardo Eichmann: Karin Bartl: eine Würdigung
Mahmoud Hamoud: Elanvolle Jahre im Dienst des Kulturerbes Syriens (Arabic/German)
Mamoun Fansa: Die Zerstörung des Kulturerbes und der Krieg in Syrien
Hélèn Sader: Archaeology in Lebanon: A Revival
Alexander Ahrens: A Hundred Years Ago: Military Landscapes of the Southern Jordan Valley During World War I
Michel al-Maqdissi: Notes d’archéologie levantine LXIV: De Khan Sheikhoun à Baghouz – Documents des archives de R. du Mesnil du Buisson (Musée du Louvre)
Ute Franke / Thomas Urban / Khair Mohammad Khairzade: The ‘Musalla’-Complex in Herat Revisited: Recent Archaeological Investigations at the Gawhar Shad Madrasa
Bethany J. Walker: Jordan’s Northern Highlands in the Later Islamic Periods: Rural Prosperity Beyond the Decapolis
Dörte Rokitta-Krumnow / Franziska Bloch: « Le plaisir est une qualité de peu d’ambition » Gambling and Games in the Near East
Maamoun Abdulkarim / Afaf Laila: The Decorations in the Domestic Architecture in the Village of Sergilla in Northern Syria During the Byzantine Period
Peter M. M. G. Akkermans / Merel L. Brüning: A Late Roman Pastoralist Ironworking Site in the North-Eastern Black Desert, Jordan
Massoud Badawi: Les recherches archéologiques dans la plaine de Jablé et son territoire
Klaus Stefan Freyberger: Die Karawanenstadt Petra im Spannungsfeld zwischen lokaler Tradition und auswärtigen Kulturen im 1. Jh. v. Chr.
Mechthild Ladurner: Felswohnanlagen in Petra: Möglichkeiten der Erfassung und Analyse des Felswohnbaus in der Haupstadt des Nabatäerreiches
Sarah Japp: Die sogenannten Fenestrated Vessels: Eine spezifische Form von Weihrauchbrennern im sabäischen Südarabien
Kristina Pfeiffer: Zoomed into the Entrance: Some Features on the Tomb Site of Dibba 76 / Emirate of Fujairah
Uwe Sievertsen: Die Keramik aus der Nachnutzung des Assyrischen Statthalterpalastes von Tell Halaf
Hans H. Curvers: Tell al-Raqaʾi, Syria (2900–2450 BCE): A Mytho-Poeic Approach
Lutz Martin: Nahe bei den Eltern: Säuglingsbestattungen in der frühbronzezeitlichen Siedlung von Tell Abu Hgaira I in Nordost-Syrien
Giorgio Buccellati / Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati: Archaeological Digital Narratives: The Case of Urkesh Ceramics
Bernd Müller-Neuhof: The Surroundings of Jawa (NE-Jordan): An Eastern Outlier of the Dolmen Phenomenon? Late Chalcolithic–Early Bronze Age Transition in Southern Jordan: Changes in Material and Social Structure
Susanne Kerner: Late Chalcolithic–Early Bronze Age Transition in Southern Jordan: Changes in Material and Social Structure
Bernhard Weninger: Construction of Continental-Scale Archaeological Chronologies by Threshold Discrimination of Calibrated 14C-Probability Distributions
Jana Anvari: The Difficulties of Finding and Interpreting Storage Facilities: Thoughts from the Central Anatolian Neolithic
Gary Rollefson: New Light from the Black Desert: A Comparison of Hunter-Herder. Occupation in Wadi al-Qattafi and in Wisad Pools
Felix Levenson: Communal Projects in the Near Eastern Neolithic: Manifestations of Shared Intentionality in Architecture as Part of the Neolithic Revolution and a Common Monumentality
Laura Dietrich / Oliver Dietrich / Jens Notroff: Life and Afterlife of Neolithic “Greenstone” Vessels from Göbekli Tepe
Zeidan Kafafi: The Pre-Pottery Neolithic A Horizon in Jordan: A Synthesis
List of Contributors