Johannes Bach / Sebastian Fink: Introduction
Amar Annus: The King as the Source of Public Health: An Analysis of the Marduk-Ea Incantation Structure
Johannes Bach: Similes as a Literary Means of Narrative Identity Construction in Neo-Assyrian Royal Narrative Texts
Ellie Bennett: Beards as a Marker of Status during the Neo-Assyrian Period
Hannes D. Galter: Warrior Kings: The Changing Facets of Heroic Kingship in Assyria
Mattias Karlsson: The Assyrian King and His Enemies According to the Verb saḫāpu in Assyrian Royal Inscriptions
Raija Mattila: On the Family and Social Background of the Elite in Assyria
Natalie naomi May: מִפְּנֵי מֶלֶךְ אַשּׁוּר ...: The Imitators of the King and the Empire
Simo Parpola: The King as Priest
Beate Pongratz-Leisten: The Epiphany of the King and the Configurational Impact of Architecture in Neo-Assyrian Palaces
Shigeo Yamada: To Be Assyrian Residents: A Reflection on the Integration of the Subjugated People into the Assyrian Empire