Preface / Abbreviations
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 The Old Assyrian period
1.2 Contents
1.3 Discovery and publication
1.4 Old Assyrian and Akkadian
1.5 Bibliographical tools for the study of Old Assyrian
Chapter 2 Syllabary and spelling
2.1 The Old Assyrian Syllabary
2.2 Plene spellings
2.3 Initial plene spellings
2.4 Broken spellings
2.5 Sandhi and crasis
2.6 Ambiguities
Chapter 3 Sign list
3.1 General list of signs
3.2 Alphabetical list of the main syllabic values and logograms
Chapter 4 Elements of phonology
4.1 Phonemes
4.2 Loss of phonemes
4.3 Assimilation of consonants
4.4 Epenthesis
4.5 Metathesis
4.6 The glottal stop (ˀ)
4.7 The labial glide w
4.8 The palatal glide y
4.9 Vowels
Chapter 5 Pronouns and enclitic particles
5.1 Independent personal pronouns
5.2 Enclitic personal pronouns
5.3 Possessive pronouns
5.4 Demonstrative pronouns
5.5 Interrogative pronouns
5.6 Indefinite pronouns
5.7 Enclitic particles
Chapter 6 Nouns and adjectives
6.1 The structure of nouns and adjectives
6.2 The gender of nouns
6.3 The inflection of nouns
6.4 The inflection of adjectives
6.5 The syntax of adjectives
Chapter 7 Numerals
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Cardinal numbers
7.3 Ordinal numbers
7.4 Multiplicative numbers
7.5 Distributive numbers
7.6 Other numbers
Chapter 8 Verbs
8.1 General features
8.2 The inflection of the G-stem
8.3 The function of the primary inflectional forms
8.4 The function of the modal forms
8.5 The function of the ventive and the subjunctive
8.6 The derived verbal stems
8.7 The weak verbs
Chapter 9 Elements of syntax
9.1 Cases
9.2 Subordinate clauses
9.3 Oaths
Chapter 10 Verbal paradigms
Chapter 11 Glossary
Chapter 12 Measures, dates, tariffs, etc.
12.1 Measures
12.2 The Old Assyrian calendar
12.3 Tariffs and taxes
12.4 Interest rates
12.5 Prices of the most common commodities
Chapter 13 Seals and sealing (by K. R. Veenhof)
13.1 Seals and sealers
13.2 Sealed documents
Chapter 14 Personal names
Chapter 15 A selection of texts