List of Figures, Tables and Plates / Abbreviations / Editors’ Preface
1 The Historical Setting (Hélène Sader)
2 The Excavation BEY 020 (Uwe Finkbeiner)
2.1 History of the excavation
2.2 The excavation team
2.3 Excavation procedures
3 Stratigraphy, an Overview (Uwe Finkbeiner)
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The findings under Rue Azmi Bey (Square 09/11)
3.3 The findings under Rue Cadmus (Squares 08/09, 09/10, 10/09 – 12/10)
4 Structure of the Volume (Uwe Finkbeiner)
4.1 General
4.2 The chapters of part I, the “Small Objects”
4.3 Part II, “The Dog Burials of Beirut BEY 020”
4.4 Bibliography
4.5 Appendices
Part I: Small Objects
1 Oil Lamps (Anne-Marie Maïla Afeiche)
1.1 Type 1: Late Bronze/Iron Age open-saucer lamps
1.2 Type 2: Folded-saucer lamp
1.3 Type 3: Greek & Hellenistic lamps
1.4 Type 4: Roman lamps
1.5 Type 5: Byzantine lamps
1.6 Decorations on the discus
1.7 Decorations on the shoulder
Conclusion / Catalogue / Annex
2 Metal Objects (Aaron W. Schmitt)
2.1 Arrowheads and javelin heads
2.2 Tools and instruments
2.3 Jewelry
2.4 Bells
2.5 Applications, fittings
2.6 Needles and pins
2.7 Weights
2.8 Nails
2.9 Miscellaneous
3 Terracotta Figurines (Kirsten Lehmann-Jericke)
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Find situation and find groups
3.3 Production techniques
3.4 Typology
3.5 Function of the figurines
3.6 Catalogue
4 Other Objects of Clay
4.1 The clay pipes of the BEY 020 Excavation (Lana S. Shehadeh)
4.2 Discs and some other objects of burnt clay (Uwe Finkbeiner)
5 Bone Objects (Uwe Finkbeiner)
5.1 Pins
5.2 Tools
5.3 Varia
6 Objects of Glass (Uwe Finkbeiner)
6.1 Glass vessels
6.2 Glass beads and jewelry
7 Objects of Stone
7.1 Chipped stone artefacts from BEY 020 (Corinne Yazbeck)
7.2 Stone objects (Uwe Finkbeiner)
8 The Coins from BEY 020
8.1 The pre-Islamic coins from BEY 020 (Ziad Sawaya)
8.2 Islamic and modern coins (Hassan Al-Akra)
9 The Greek Inscriptions (Frédéric Alpi)
Conclusion (Uwe Finkbeiner)
Part II: The Dog Burials of Beirut
1 The Dog Burials of Beirut BEY 020 (Verena Lott)
1.1 The Iron Age glacis
1.2 The dog burials
1.3 Catalogue
1.4 Conclusion
2 Annex A: Catalogue of Sites with Dog Burials (Verena Lott)
3 Annex B: The Phenomenon of Dog Burials (Verena Lott)
Appendix A: Small Objects by Inventory-Number
Appendix B: Small Objects by Square, Locus and Stratigraphic Unit
Appendix C: The Stratigraphic Units of BEY 020
Plates 1–40