0. Preface
1. Introduction
1.1. Chronology
1.2. History of Responsibilities for the Archaeology in the Gaza Strip
1.3. The Gaza Strip within the Last 100 Years
1.4. Maps
1.5. Rivers and Water Sources in the Gaza Strip
1.6. Present state of Archaeological Publications
1.7. Museums in the Gaza Strip
1.8. The Ancient Road System in the Gaza Strip
2. Archaeological Site List
2.1. Square 91: 100 – 110 . 110 – 120
2.2. Square 94/1: 090 – 100 . 100 – 110
2.3. Square 95: 100 – 110 . 100 – 110
2.4. Square 109/12: 080 – 090 . 090 – 100
2.5. Square 110: 090 – 100 . 090 – 100
2.6. Square 117: 100 – 110 . 090 – 100
2.7. Square 110/1: 070 – 080 . 080 – 090
2.8. Square 111: 080 – 090 . 080 – 090
2.9. Square 112/1: 070 – 080 . 070 – 080
2.10. Square 113: 080 – 090 . 070 – 080
Appendix I: Square 94/1: Gaza 0995.1014
Appendix II: Buildings in the Old City of Gaza
Appendix III: Inscriptions Found within the City of Gaza (in Chronological Order)
3. Settlement History
3.1. All Documented Settlements in the Gaza Strip
3.2. Palaeolithic and Neolithic Periods
3.3. Chalcolithic Period
3.4. Early Bronze Age I–III
3.5. Early Bronze Age IV / Middle Bronze Age I
3.6. Middle Bronze II
3.7. Late Bronze Age I and II
3.8. Iron Age I
3.9. Iron Age II
3.10. Persian Period
3.11. Hellenistic Period
3.12. Roman Period
3.13. Byzantine Period
3.14. Islamic Period
4. Historical Texts
4.1. Egyptian Texts and Amarna Letters from the 2nd Millennium BCE (including Topographical Lists from the 1st Millennium BCE)
4.2. Akkadian Texts from the 2nd Millennium BCE
4.3. Akkadian Texts from the 1st Millennium BCE (Neo-Assyrian and Babylonian Period)
4.4. Hebrew Bible (Including LXX and New Testament Texts)
4.5. Extra-biblical Texts in pre-Hellenistic Periods
4.6. Non-biblical Texts from the Hellenistic Period (Including Texts Describing Events from the Hellenistic Period)
4.7. Flavius Josephus
4.8. Greek and Latin Texts from the Roman and Byzantine Period: Early Roman and Herodian Period (40 BCE – c. 70 CE), Including Texts Describing Events During this Period
4.9. Greek and Latin Texts from the Roman and Byzantine Period: Post-Herodian Roman Period (c. 70 – c. 324 CE)
4.10. Greek and Latin Texts from the Roman and Byzantine Period: Byzantine Period (c. 324 – 638 CE)
4.11. Eusebius Onomasticon
4.12. Maps of Roman-Byzantine Period and Figurative Representation of Towns within the Gaza Strip
4.13. Rabbinical Texts
4.14. Greek, Latin and Arabs Text from the Umayyad to the Crusader Period (638–1187 CE) without Specific Crusader Texts
4.15. Texts of Arab Geographers
4.16. Specific Texts from the Crusader period (1099–1187 CE)
4.17. European Texts from the Middle Ages after the Crusaders (from 1188 CE onwards)
4.18. Settlement Activity in the Late 16th Century CE
5. Historical Topography
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Churches and Monasteries
5.3. Identifications proposed by Yizhar Hirschfeld
5.4. Discussion about the Location of the Monasteries
5.5. Other Sites
5.6. Summary
6. Important Historical Events in the Territory of the Gaza Strip
7. Bibliography
8. Indices
8.1. Place Names
8.2. Personal Names
8.3. Gods