Pubblicazioni di Stefano de Martino
Silvia Alaura: La vera storia di un clamoroso falso ittita di fine Ottocento
Metin Alparslan – Meltem Doğan-Alparslan: Ein neues Tontafelfragment aus Boğazköy: Boğazkale 1-1-2018
Alfonso Archi: Personal Names of Proto-Anatolian Indo-European-Speaking Populations East of the Euphrates (24th Cent. BC)
Giorgio Buccellati: “Awīliš īwē”: L’uomo mesopotamico come figlio della città
Alessandra Cellerino: Il sigillo a cilindro IM 115642 dalla Tomba Reale III a Nimrud: Una raffigurazione enigmatica
Yoram Cohen – Netanel Anor: Forging an Empire: The Borders of Carchemish According to CTH 50 (KUB 19.27)
Lorenzo d’Alfonso: Reorganization vs. Resilience in Early Iron Age Monumental Art of Central Anatolia
Belkıs Dinçol – Hasan Peker: Sealings from Renewed Excavations at Alalakh
Rita Dolce: Visual Communication and the Audience: An Observation Point on Mesopotamia
Frederick Mario Fales: The Rural Hinterland of Assyrian Cities: Clusters of Toponyms
Massimo Forlanini: Il contesto storico delle istruzioni “umanitarie” hittite e l’“invasione” dei caschei (Kaška)
Rita Francia: The Name of Babylon in Hittite Texts
Helmut Freydank – Doris Prechel: Nochmals zum Brief des Labarna an Tunija von Tikunani
Amir Gilan: “She did not call me father, so I will not call her my daughter!” The Episode of the “Daughter” in CTH 6 and Its Historical Significance
Federico Giusfredi: On the Old Assyrian tuzzinnum
Fatma Kaynar: KUB 32.121: il quinto frammento del rituale di Šalašu?
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati: The Urkesh Mittani Horizon: Ceramic Evidence
Jörg Klinger: Nochmals zur Schreibung der Konjunktion maḫḫan und ihrer Geschichte
Carlo Lippolis – Roberta Menegazzi: From Turin to Karakorum: Archaeology for the Public through Asia
Romolo Loreto: Sulle origini del commercio carovaniero tra la Penisola Arabica e il Vicino Oriente antico
Massimiliano Marazzi: PORTA, PORTA2 und „Hofeingang“ in den Hieroglypheninschriften des 2. Jts. v. Chr.
Paolo Matthiae: On the Historical Events of the Hurro-Hittite “Song of Release”
Vito Messina: A Statue of the mušḫuššu of Marduk at Babylon?
Jared L. Miller: Two Notes on Kizzuwatna’s Status as a Hittite Vassal in the Middle Hittite Period
Clelia Mora: Cylinder Seals as a Status Symbol in Hittite Anatolia
Frances Pinnock: Far nascere una statua, uccidere una statua: Ebla e gli Ittiti (?) nel periodo paleosiriano
Simonetta Ponchia: Essere senza un padre: Una nota su Gilgamesh
Robert Rollinger: Some Considerations on Empire and Mental Mapping: Conceptualizing the Ends of the World in the First Millennium BCE
Andreas Schachner: The Power of Geography: Criteria for Selecting the Location of Hattuša, the Capital City of the Hittite Empire
Aygül Süel: A Mould from Ortaköy/Šapinuwa
Giulia Torri: Potters and Pottery in Hittite Society, According to Written Sources
Roberta Venco Ricciardi – Enrico Foietta: Cinture di sovrani, nobili e cavalieri nella statuaria di Hatra
Mark Weeden: Hurrian in a Tablet from Tigunānum
Gernot Wilhelm: Allaituraḫe