Chapter 1: Introduction (Yoav Arbel)
Chapter 2: The Northeastern Bastion of Jaffa’s Fortifications (Tzvi Shacham)
Chapter 3: Stratigraphy (Yoav Arbel)
Chapter 4: Pottery of the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Periods (Peter Gendelman)
Chapter 5: Amphora Stamps and Fragments (Gerald Finkielsztejn)
Chapter 6: A Terracotta Figurine (Adi Erlich)
Chapter 7: Crusader Pottery (Katherine Strange Burke / Edna J. Stern)
Chapter 8: Porcelain and Ceramic Vessels of the Ottoman Period (Anna de Vincenz)
Chapter 9: Backstamps on Nineteenth-Century European Pseudo-Porcelain and Stoneware Sherds (Yoav Arbel)
Chapter 10: Dendrochronological Dating and Provenancing of the Late Ottoman Buildings (Brita Lorentzen, Peter I. Kuniholm and Tomasz Wazny)
Chapter 11: Iron Forging in Ottoman Jaffa: A Metallographic Study of Iron Slags (Sylvain Bauvais)
Chapter 12: Reconstructing the Population History of Jaffa: Human Remains from the Qishle (Yossi Nagar)
Chapter 13: Fragment of an Arabic Inscription (Moshe Sharon)
Chapter 14: A Hoard of Weapons from the Late Nineteenth–Early Twentieth Centuries (Alexander Glick)
Chapter 15: Cannon Balls from the Qishle (Alexander Glick)
Chapter 16: Musket Balls (Yoav Arbel)
Chapter 17: Coins from the Qishle (Robert Kool)
Chapter 18: Glass Vessels (Yael Gorin-Rosen)
Chapter 19: Glass Bracelets and Beads (Anna de Vincenz)
Chapter 20: Horseshoes, Burial Goods and Other Metal Finds (Kate Raphael
Chapter 21: Stone Objects (Naomi Sidi)
Chapter 22: Lithic Assemblage (Omry Barzilai)
Chapter 23: Archaeozoological Finds (Moshe Sade)
Chapter 24: Mollusks (Inbar Ktalav)
Chapter 25: Miscellaneous Finds (Naomi Sidi / Limor Talmi / Ayelet Geri-Dayan)
Chapter 26: Conclusions (Yoav Arbel)
List of Loci