Two Bronze Age Cemeteries in the Qirya Quarter of Tel Aviv


Two Bronze Age Cemeteries in the Qirya Quarter of Tel Aviv

Eliot Braun and Edwin C.M. van den Brink

With Contributions by Diego Barkan, Yossi Nagar, Varda Sussman, Donald T. Ariel, Sariel Shalev & Sana Shilstein, Omry Barzilai, Naomi Porat, Daphna Ben-Tor and Henk K. Mienis

Ägypten und Altes Testament 113


DIN A-4 / hardcover, thread stitching / XIV + 158 pp.

ISBN 978-3-96327-184-7 (book)

ISBN 978-3-96327-185-4 (e-book, via ProQuest)

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