
Tel Dover (Khirbet ed-Duweir) on the Yarmuk River


Tel Dover (Khirbet ed-Duweir) on the Yarmuk River:

The Late Bronze and Iron Age Levels

Amir Golani and Samuel R. Wolff

with Contributions by David Ben-Shlomo, Lilly Gershuny, Brian Hesse, Othmar Keel,

Edward F. Maher, Liat Naeh, Stefan Münger, Yossi Nagar, David S. Reese and Diana L. Stein

Ägypten und Altes Testament 130



DIN A-4 / hardcover, thread stitching / XVIII + 177 pp.

ISBN 978-3-96327-298-1 (book)

ISBN 978-3-96327-299-8 (e-book, via ProQuest, Ebsco, ISD)

Browse these categories as well: Ägypten und Altes Testament, Program, New