List of illustrations
Bibliographical abbreviations
Symbols and other abbreviations
1. Introduction
1.1 Aims and questions
1.2 Previous research
1.3 Material and method
1.4 Theory
1.5 Historical background
2. The evidence: the individual level and the biographic perspective
2.1 Identified Africans
2.1.1 People with certain or likely African names
2.1.2 People identified as Africans via ethnonyms
2.1.3 People identified as Africans via family relations
2.1.4 People identified as Africans via institutional affiliations
2.2 Possible Africans
2.2.1 People with possibly African names
2.2.2 People with hybrid or adopted African names
2.3 Anonymous Africans
2.3.1 Anonymous royal Africans
2.3.2 Anonymous non-royal Africans
3. The evidence: the collective level and the demographic perspective
3.1 Demographics and the African group: identities and properties
3.1.1 The ethnic composition of the African group
3.1.2 The sex/gender composition of the African group
3.1.3 The age composition of the African group
3.1.4 The class composition of the African group
3.2 Demographics and the African group: settings and circumstances
3.2.1 The temporal distribution of the African group
3.2.2 The spatial distribution of the African group
3.2.3 The backgrounds to the presence of the African group
4. Conclusion
4.1 Assimilation and integration: New Kingdom Egypt in Western Asia
4.2 Direct contacts between Egypt and Mesopotamia
4.3 Africans in Akkadian texts from the Late Bronze Age: a contextualization
5. Bibliography
6. Illustrations
7. Appendices and indices
7.1 Appendices
7.1.1 Identified Africans
7.1.2 Possible Africans
7.1.3 Anonymous Africans
7.1.4 People with certain/possible Egyptian names in Hittite, Hurrian, and Ugaritic texts
7.2 Indices
7.2.1 Deities
7.2.2 People
7.2.3 Toponyms and ethnonyms
7.2.4 Texts and images
7.2.5 Egyptian words