Excavations at the Ottoman Military Compound (Qishle) in Jaffa, 2007, 2009


Excavations at the Ottoman Military Compound (Qishle) in Jaffa, 2007, 2009

= The Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project Series, Volume 4 (Aaron A. Burke and Martin Peilstöcker, Series Editors)

Edited by Yoav Arbel

With Contributions by Omry Barzilai, Sylvain Bauvais, Katherine S. Burke, Adi Erlich, Gerald Finkielsztejn, Peter Gendelman, Ayelet Geri-Dayan, Alexander Glick, Yael Gorin-Rosen, Robert Kool, Inbar Ktalav, Peter I. Kuniholm, Brita Lorentzen, Yossi Nagar, Kate Raphael, Moshe Sade, Tzvi Shacham, Moshe Sharon, Naomi Sidi, Edna J. Stern, Limor Talmi, Anna de Vincenz and Tomasz Wazny

Ägypten und Altes Testament 91


X + 510 pp. / DIN-A4 / hardcover, thread stitching

ISBN 978-3-96327-114-4 (book)

ISBN 978-3-96327-115-1 (e-book, via ProQuest)

Browse these categories as well: Ägypten und Altes Testament, New, Program