Tel Dover (Khirbet ed-Duweir) on the Yarmuk River

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Tel Dover (Khirbet ed-Duweir) on the Yarmuk River:

The Late Bronze and Iron Age Levels

Amir Golani and Samuel R. Wolff

with Contributions by David Ben-Shlomo, Lilly Gershuny, Brian Hesse, Othmar Keel,

Edward F. Maher, Liat Naeh, Stefan Münger, Yossi Nagar, David S. Reese and Diana L. Stein

Ägypten und Altes Testament 130


in press, 2025 

DIN A-4 / hardcover, thread stitching / XVIII + 177 pp.

ISBN 978-3-96327-298-1 (book)

ISBN 978-3-96327-299-8 (e-book, via ProQuest, Ebsco, ISD)

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