Publications of Francesco Pomponio
Pierluigi Ciocca: Omaggio a Francesco Pomponio
Sergio Alivernini: A New Text Belonging to the Collections of the British Museum
Maria Giulia Amadasi Guzzo: Le dieu de Phrangissa (Chypre)
Maria Giovanna Biga: Francesco Pomponio and His Place in the History of Eblaite Studies
Noemi Borrelli: Symbolic and Economic Institutions in 3rd Millennium Southern Mesopotamia: The Household of the ereš-diĝir of Bau
Odoardo Bulgarelli: La Mesopotamia: commercio, strumenti economico-finanziari e mezzi di pagamento (fine IV – inizi II millennio a.C.)
Franco D’Agostino: Stealing Barley in Ur III: a Detective Story?
Benjamin R. Foster: When the Phoenicians Came to Cornwall
Angela Greco: Neglected Source of Prosperity: Marsh Resources and the Role of the enku in Third Millennium BC Southern Mesopotamia
Massimo Maiocchi: Current Approaches towards Ancient Near Eastern Textual Sources: Some Remarks on Contemporary Methodologies for Philological Research
Pietro Mander: Die Bedeutung des fließenden Wassers in der sumerischen Kosmologie
Gianni Marchesi: A New Manuscript of Ana ittišu II from Nimrud
Manuel Molina: Court Cases on Burglaries, Fugitives, Debts and Other Matters in Ur III Times
Salvatore F. Monaco: Meannedu, Ruler of Umma
Palmiro Notizia: Money-Lenders and Merchants from Central Babylonia: Unpublished Ur III Documents in the Yale Babylonian Collection
David I. Owen: New Sources from the Garšana and Iri-Saĝrig Archives
Sergio Ribichini: Euripide et le sacrifice humain à Carthage : notes de lecture
Annunziata Rositani: War Prisoners as Gifts of the King Rīm-Anum for Goddesses and Gods: Two New Texts
Cristina Simonetti: The River Ordeal in the Third Millennium BC
Gabriella Spada: “I Want to Break Free”: Model Contracts Recording Slave Self-Emancipation
Marten Stol: Esip tabal in Agriculture
Marcos Such-Gutiérrez: Die Berufsbezeichnung lú-igi
Lorenzo Verderame: Fashioning of Statues in Three Neo-Sumerian Unpublished Texts from Ur
Paolo Xella: Nergal in Phoenician Context