Kerstin Droß-Krüpe / Sebastian Fink: Preface and Acknowledgements
Powerful Women in the Ancient World in the Light of the Sources
Annette Zgoll: Innana conquers Ur: A Hitherto Unknown Myth Created by En-ḫedu-ana for Mutual Empowerment
Gina Konstantopoulos: The Many Lives of Enheduana: Identity, Authorship, and the “World’s First Poet”
Nicole Brisch: Šamḫat: Deconstructing Temple Prostitution One Woman at a Time
David A. Warburton: Hatshepsut: The Feminine Horus and Daughter of Amun on the Throne of Atum
Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones: Bathsheba and Beyond: Harem Politics in the Ancient Near East
Martti Nissinen: The Agency of Female Prophets in the Bible: Independent or Instrumental? Prophetic or Political?
Stéphanie Anthonioz: Women at the Heart of the Tribal System in the Book of Genesis
Paola Corò: Between a Queen and an Ordinary Woman: On Laodice and the Representation of Women in Cuneiform Sources in the Hellenistic Period
Claudia Horst: Antigone: Political Power and Resonance
Florian Krüpe: Mighty, but quiet? Elpinice between Conflicting Priorities in Interpretations and Sources
Sabine Müller: On a Dynastic Mission: Olympias and Kleopatra, Agents of their House
Timothy Howe: (Re)Taking Halikarnassos: Ada, Alexander the Great and Karian Queenship
Josefine Kuckertz: Amanishakheto: A Meroitic Ruling Queen of the Late 1st Cent. BC / Early 1st Cent. AD
Kordula Schnegg: Cornelia: A Powerful Woman
Francesca Rohr Vio: Domum servavit, lanam fecit: Livia and the Rewriting of the Female Model in the Augustan Age
Christiane Kunst: Iulia maior on the Move: exemplum licentiae and euergetis
Helmuth Schneider: Der Tod Messalinas. Folge sexueller Libertinage oder Machtkalkül?
Brigitte Truschnegg: Feminine, influential and different? The Presentation of Julia Domna
Udo Hartmann: Zenobia of Palmyra: A Female Roman Ruler in Times of Crisis
Ireneusz Milewski: “Earthly yoke”? The Estate of Valeria Melania
Ewan Short / Eve MacDonald: Shirin in Context: Female Agency and the Wives of the Sasanian King Khosrow Parviz
Powerful Women in the Ancient World in Modern Thought
François de Callataÿ: Cleopatra as a Strong Woman in Modern Times: A less Negative Episode in a Disfigured Tradition?
Martin Lindner: Rome Herself: Female Characters in Günther Birkenfeld’s Augustus Novels (1934–1984)
Anja Wieber: Depicting the Palmyrene Queen Zenobia: From Baroque “femmes fortes” to Modern Comic Books