Conference Program
Mohamed Raafat Abbas: The Libyan War of Ramesses II
Mohamed Abd el-Maksoud and Elsayed Abd el-Alim: The Ramesside Fortresses at Tjaru (Tell Heboua I, II): Excavations on the Eastern Gate of Egypt
Peter J. Brand: Ideological Aspects of Ramesside Military Texts and Reliefs: Sety I and Ramesses II
Ola El-Aguizy: A Reconsideration of the Scene of the Tjaru Fortress in the Tomb of the Generalissimo Urkhya
James K. Hoffmeier: Tell el-Borg and the Ways of Horus in the Ramesside Era
Jozef Hudec: Defensive Constructions of the Twentieth Dynasty at Tell el-Retaba
Heidi Köpp-Junk: The Chariot in the Ramesside Period: A Study on the Background of the Development from the Earliest Evidence until the First Century BC
Alberto Maria Pollastrini: The Body Armour of Ramesses II
Sylvia Schoske: High on the Chariot: A New Stela in Munich
Steven Snape: What was Zawiyet Umm el-Rakham for? Early Ramesside Strategy in the Libyan West
Anthony Spalinger: Points of View: Ramesses II and the Battle of Kadesh