Pearls of the Past. Studies on Near Eastern Art and Archaeology in Honour of Frances Pinnock
Edited by Marta D’Andrea, Maria Gabriella Micale, Davide Nadali, Sara Pizzimenti and Agnese Vacca
marru 8
ISBN 978-3-96327-058-1
xxii + 916 Seiten / 17 x 24 cm / Hardcover, Fadenheftung
Buch + E-Book (ISBN 978-3-96327-059-8): 180,00 €, auf Anfrage
Inhalt |
Nahezu vier Dutzend Artikel sind der Altorientalistin Frances Pinnock (La Sapienza, Roma) gewidmet. Entsprechend dem Schwerpunkt ihrer eigenen Forschungen liegt der Fokus auf der Archäologie und Ausgrabungen Syriens, insbesondere Ebla / Tell Mardikh. Weitere Beiträge erörtern Ausgrabungen, Objekte und Fragen der Kulturgeschichte von Anatolien, dem Libanon, Jordanien, Palästina (Jericho) und Mesopotamien. |
Inhaltsverzeichnis |
List of Publications by Frances Pinnock Foreword Mohammed Alkhalid: Kingship and the Representation of Power in the Urban Pattern of Ebla during the Middle Bronze Age Michel Al-Maqdissi: Notes d’Archéologie Levantine XLIX : Matériel funéraire de la région de Tell Afis dans un document des archives de R. du Mesnil du Buisson Francesca Baffi: The Impact of the Great Empires on Inner Syria Giacomo Benati: Shaping Social Dynamics in Early 3rd Millennium BC Mesopotamia: Solid-Footed Goblets and the Politics of Drinking Marco Bonechi: A Hagia Triada Whodunnit: On the Inscribed Cylinder Seal Florence Museum 85079 Again Pascal Butterlin: Mari et l’histoire militaire mésopotamienne : du temps long au temps politico-militaire Eloisa Casadei: Storage Practices and Temple Economy during the 3rd Millennium BC in Southern Mesopotamia Corinne Castel: Deux empreintes de sceaux-cylindres sur céramique du Bronze ancien IVB à Tell Al-Rawda : l’usage local d’une pratique sigillaire en Syrie intérieure Manuel Castelluccia / Roberto Dan: Some Remarks on Urartian Horse Harnesses Joaquín María Córdoba: Arqueología de la agricultura. Adaptaciones a medios áridos durante la Edad del Hierro. Notas rápidas sobre dos recientes y singulares hallazgos Harriet Crawford: The Changing Position of Women in Mesopotamia from the Mid-Third to the Later Second Millennium BC Paola D’Amore: Paraphernalia from Tell Afis: The Cult Stands Marta D’Andrea: The EB–MB Transition at Ebla: A State-of-the-Art Overview in the Light of the 2004–2008 Discoveries at Tell Mardikh Silvana Di Paolo: Bodily Violence in Early Old Babylonian Glyptics: A Performative Act? Maria Forza: Generated Change and Spontaneous Change: Parallels between the Development of Cremation and the Diffusion of Groovy Pottery in the Upper Tigris Valley during Iron Ages I and II Agnès Garcia-Ventura: The Archaeology of Women and Women in Archaeology in the Ancient Near East May Haider: Empty Vessels or Laden Signifiers? Imported Greek Pottery in Levantine Social Practice Arnulf Hausleiter: Cultural Contacts, Transfer of Images and Ideas: On 1st Millennium BC Funerary Stelae from Taymāʾ Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati: Images of Work in Urkesh Melissa A. Kennedy: A New EB IV Cultural Province in Central and Southern Syria: The View from Tell Nebi Mend Hartmut Kühne: Mittani and Middle Assyrian Stamp Seals Ahmed Fatima Kzzo: Another Semeion? New Perspectives on an Old Syrian Seals Group Nicola Laneri: What a Woman! Gender Identity in the Clay Votive Plaques of Hirbemerdon Tepe during the Early Second Millennium BC Marc Lebeau: Notes sur l’architecture et l’urbanisme du Royaume de Nagar (2) : Une tour de garde d’époque Early Jezirah IIIb à Tell Beydar. Giovanna Lombardo: Two Compartment Seals from Afghanistan in the Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale ‘G. Tucci’ Gianni Marchesi / Nicolò Marchetti: The Deities of Karkemish in the Middle Bronze Age according to Glyptic and Textual Evidence Maria Grazia Masetti-Rouault: Vu d’Ebla, un roi de Mari en pèlerinage à Terqa ? Valérie Matoïan: L’image du roi vainqueur à Ugarit, entre Égypte et Mésopotamie : le décor du sceau-cylindre RS 2009.9019 Paolo Matthiae: A Problem of Iconology: A Note on the Banquets of the Old Syrian Basins of Ebla Maria Gabriella Micale: Framing the Space: On the Use of Crenellation from Architecture to the Definition of Pictorial Spaces Clelia Mora: Titles and Activities of Hittite Women: The Evidence of the Seals Béatrice Muller: Iconographie mésopotamienne : images morcelées et recomposées Davide Nadali: The Doubling of the Image of the King: A Note on Slabs B–13 and B–23 in the Throne Room of Assurnasirpal II at Nimrud Lorenzo Nigro: A Turtle Dove Rhyton from the “Hyksos Palace” at Tell es-Sultan, Ancient Jericho Valentina Oselini: The Ceramic Horizon of the Middle Bronze I–II in the Lower and Middle Diyala Basin Adelheid Otto: Ritual Drinking in Syria: New Insights from the Decorated Terracotta Basin from Tall Bazi and the Funerary Talisman from Ebla Tatiana Pedrazzi: Syrian One-Handled Fusiform Jars: An Offshoot of the Canaanite Tradition or of Late Bronze Age Connections with Anatolia? Luca Peyronel: The Beginning of the Middle Bronze Age in the Northern Levant (ca. 2000–1900 BC): The Pottery from the EE Midden at Tell Mardikh-Ebla, Syria Sara Pizzimenti: Fertility from the Sky: The Role of the Scorpion in the Ploughing Scenes on Akkadian Glyptic Andrea Polcaro: On Pots and Serpents: An Iconographic and Contextual Analysis of the Cultic Vessels with Serpent Figurines in the 4th–3rd Millennium BC Transjordan Marina Pucci: Representation of Military Attack on Neo-Assyrian Glyptic: A Seal from Chatal Höyük in the Amuq Suzanne Richard: Miniatures and Miniaturization in EB IV at Khirbat Iskandar, Jordan Hélène Sader: A Phoenician Seal Impression from Tell Hizzin, Lebanon Valentina Tumolo: A Bull’s Head from Ḫirbet ez-Zeraqōn Agnese Vacca: Some Reflections about the Chora of Ebla during the EB III and IVA1 Periods Federico Zaina: Some Preliminary Remarks on the Neo-Assyrian City Wall in the Outer Town at Karkemish |