Martin Peilstöcker – Sabine Wolfram: Foreword
Martin Peilstöcker – Sabine Wolfram: Life at the Dead Sea. The Exhibition Draft
Wolfgang Zwickel: The Dead Sea in the Bible
Felicity Cobbing: The Work of the Palestine Exploration Fund in the Dead Sea Region
Lutz Martin: Jericho in Berlin
Hermann Michael Niemann: Ernst Sellin, Carl Watzinger and the German Excavation of Jericho, 1907–1909
Katharina Galor: Gender at Qumran. Between Text and Material Culture
Frank H. Neumann – Wolfgang Zwickel: Settlements, Climate and Vegetation at the Dead Sea from the Neolithic until the Crusader Period
Jutta Häser: Water Management in the Dead Sea Region
Eva Kaptijn: Surviving the Summer. Ancient Water Management in the Southern Jordan Valley as Compared to the Central Jordan Valley
Verena J. Schuenemann: Genome Sequences of 6000-Year-Old Barley Provide New Insights into the History of Crop Domestication
Andrea Orendi: Development and Importance of Agrarian Resources in the Dead Sea Region in the Bronze and Iron Age
Lorenzo Nigro: Jericho and the Dead Sea. Life and Resilience
Susanne Kerner: The Chalcolithic Period in the Dead Sea Area
Florian Klimscha – Danny Rosenberg: The Pace of Progress. Technical Innovations in the Prehistory of the Dead Sea Region and the Jordan Valley
Eliot Braun: A Brief Survey of Human Activity in the Dead Sea Region in Late Prehistory
Gunnar Lehmann: Ancient Society and Economy at the Dead Sea from the Neolithic through the Persian Period
Gideon Hadas: Excavations in the Oasis of En-Gedi
Jürgen K. Zangenberg: Farms and Fortresses. Exploring the Diversity of Life Around the Dead Sea in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods
Hans-Peter Kuhnen: Guarding the Dead Sea. Military Concepts and Sites Between Herod and Justinian
Győző Vörös: Machaerus. The Herodian Fortified Royal Palace and City
Stefan Jakob Wimmer: Kallirrhoe – Herod’s Hot Springs Resort. The German Excavations by August Strobel 1986–1989
Konstantinos D. Politis: Archaeology at the Lowest Place on Earth. Ghor as-Safi, Jordan
Marcello Fidanzio: Qumran Cave 11Q Through the Ages
Itamar Taxel: The Byzantine-Early Islamic Transition in the Dead Sea Region
Jean-Baptiste Humbert: Qumran and Machaerus on a Hasmonean Axis
Orit Shamir – Naama Sukenik: Textiles from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B until the Medieval Period in the Dead Sea Region
List of Authors