K. Lawson Younger, Jr.
Publications of K. Lawson Younger, Jr.
Bill T. Arnold and Brian T. Shockey: Deuteronomy 13 and the Succession Treaty of Esarhaddon: A Fresh Investigation
Richard E. Averbeck: The Meaning and Importance of “subdue” (kābaš) in Genesis 1:28
Barry J. Beitzel: An Inquiry into the Rendering of Hebrew sûf and yam sûf in the Early History of Translation
Koert van Bekkum: Moses Wilhelm Shapira’s “Deuteronomy” between Epigraphy and Literary Criticism
Daniel I. Block: Giving Nebuchadrezzar and Ezekiel Their Due: Rethinking the Exiled Prophet’s Final Word in Ezekiel 29:17–21
Scott Booth, Ariel Shatil, Nava Panitz-Cohen, Naama Yahalom-Mack, Carroll Kobs and Robert A. Mullins: The Buck Stops Here: Deer Antlers in Iron Age I Cultic Contexts at Tel Abel Beth Maacah and Their Implications
Caleb T. Chow: “Attribution Displacement” and its Implications for Biblical Historiography: A Methodological Discussion
Daniel E. Fleming: Why Did Emar’s Diviner Hold Documents for the Sale of City-Owned Land?
Walter E. Foster: Mari’s ARM 1 6: A New Translation and Commentary
Seymour Gitin: Ekron of the Philistines: A Response to Issues Raised in the Literature (3)
Holger Gzella: On the Origin and Meaning of ḥānīḵ in Genesis 14:14
Oliver A. Hersey: Genesis 1:6–8 and Ancient Near Eastern Celestial Perspectives
Richard S. Hess: Deities in the Ammonite Personal Names
John W. Hilber: The Contextual Method through the Lens of Relevance Theory
James K. Hoffmeier and Mark Janzen: Towards a Diplomatic, Contextual Reading of the Encounter Between Jacob and Esau in Genesis 33
J. Caleb Howard: Some of What’s New in the Study of Amorite
Neal A. Huddleston: Deposit and Read! A Discursive Explanation of Peripheral Akkadian Treaty Traditions and their Implications for Deuteronomy
Sara Kipfer and Wolfgang Zwickel: The Carmel in the Bronze and Iron Ages: A Multiperspective Approach
Michelle Knight: Geometry and Psalmody: Characterization and the Role of Deborah’s Song (Judges 5)
Jens Bruun Kofoed: East as Symbolic Space
Jacob Lauinger: The Supposed Recycling of a Silver Statue of a God from Middle Bronze Age / Old Babylonian Alalah (AlT 366 [40.05])
André Lemaire: Sabaic Inscription B-L Nashq? Revisited Within its Ancient Near Eastern Context
Theodore J. Lewis: A Magical Aramaic Curse in Jeremiah 10:11: A Performative Sociolinguistic Solution
Aren M. Maeir: “The priests, the Levites, and all the tribe of Levi, shall have no part nor inheritance with Israel” (Deut 18:1): Is there Archaeological Evidence of Priests and Priesthood in Iron Age Israel and Judah?
Alan Millard: Celebrating Victory in Poetry and Prose
Dennis Pardee: The “Priests” of Ugarit: The Textual Evidence
Jillian L. Ross: Rituals in the Gideon Narrative (Judges 6–8)
Hélène Sader: On Aramaean Identity or What is Aramaean in the Culture of Iron Age Syria?
Jack M. Sasson: Sightless in Gaza: On the Fate of Samson
JoAnn Scurlock: Northern Kingdom Voices in the Hebrew Bible? Jeroboam ben Nebat and Jehu ben Nimshi in the Tale of Elijah and the Prophets of Baʿal
Karel van der Toorn: Northern Prophets and Nazirites
David S. Vanderhooft and Luiz Gustavo Assis: The Successful Divinatory Procedure of Abraham’s Servant for Singling out Rebekah (Genesis 24:21)