Simonetta Ponchia / Luisa Prandi: Introduction
Giovanni B. Lanfranchi: Border(s) between Polities of Unequal Power: Assyria and Northwestern Iran from the IXth to the VIIth century BCE
Raija Mattila: Reporting from the Border
Alvise Matessi: Identities in the Making: Cultural Frontiers in Central Anatolia in the 2nd Millennium BCE
Simonetta Ponchia: Boundary Definition in the Aramean Socio-political Context
Silvia Gabrieli: Tarsus Foundation Myth: Assyrian Propaganda and Hellenistic Fascination
Marco Iamoni: Pots and People again? Changing Boundaries in the Levant between the Canaanites and Phoenicians
Luigi Turri: Boundaries, Borders, and Interaction Points: Some Considerations from Cyprus.
Stéphanie Anthonioz: The Place and Frontiers of Judea in Judg 1 or How the Tribal System builds Greater Judea
Mary R. Bachvarova: The Seer Mopsos: Legendary Foundations in Archaic Anatolia before the Neileids
Madalina Dana: «Mobilités mythiques»: Récits de fondation, liens légendaires et traversée des frontières entre cités grecques de Troade et de Propontide
Fabrizio Gaetano: Civiltà a contatto in Asia Minore: Frigi, Lidi e Persiani
Omar Coloru: From the ends of the earth you are come: Greek Perceptions of the Boundaries of the Near Eastern Empires. A Brief Journey
Claudia Posani: Alcune considerazioni sull’iscrizione luvio-geroglifica TELL AHMAR 2 e sull’episodio erodoteo di Gige e Candaule: I verba videndi e le connotazioni etico-sociali della vergogna connessa alla nudità
Sarah P. Morris: “Yauna across the Sea?” Northwest Boundaries of Achaemenid Expansion (Anatolia and the North Aegean)
Ennio Biondi: I fiumi nell’impero achemenide: Frontiere naturali o mezzi di espansione imperiale?
Luisa Prandi: The Cimmerian Bosporus as a Boundary between Europe and Asia according to Aeschylus: An Invented Tradition?