Kerstin Droß-Krüpe, Agnès Garcia-Ventura, Kai Ruffing, Lorenzo Verderame: Introduction
Christian Feser: Thomas Coryate und sein Orientbild
Silke Förschler: Populäre Lithographien im Orientalismus des 19. Jahrhunderts: tradierte Geschlechterbilder im neuen Medium
Hannes D. Galter: Joseph von Hammer-Purgstalls „Fundgruben des Orients“ und die Entzifferung der Keilschrift
Agnès Garcia-Ventura: The reception of the Assyrian wounded lioness in Spain: a success story
Arnaldo Marcone: Arnaldo Momigliano and his Picture of the Orient – an Essay
Davide Nadali: From the Bible to Nabucco: The Question of the Sources
Georg Neumann: “Die Mitternacht zog näher schon. Man trinkt noch Hofbräu in Babylon ... und später wird man in selbiger Nacht von seinem Knecht ins Bett gebracht!” – Some Insights into the Guest Book of the German Excavations in Babylon
Hans Neumann: Bemerkungen zur Rolle des (Alten) Orients in den deutschsprachigen (welt-)geschichtlichen Betrachtungen des 19. Jahrhunderts
Björn Onken: Villains or heroes of cultural history? The Ancient Near East in German textbooks around 1900
Brigitte Pedde: Reconstruction drawings of Ancient Near Eastern architecture as inspiration for building in the 1920ies in Germany. The Einstein Tower in Potsdam and the Karstadt department store in Berlin
Friedhelm Pedde: The German Novelist Karl May (1842–1912) as a Multiplier of Knowledge about the Ancient Near East
Frances Pinnock: Fashion and the Ancient Orient
Josef Wiesehöfer & Philip Huyse: Carsten Niebuhr and Antoine Isaac Silvestre de Sacy: How a Keen Observer and a Gifted Young Scholar Unravelled the Secrets of Sasanian Naqš-e Rostam