Publications on the Ancient Near East, the Old Testament, Ancient Egypt and Classical Antiquity
Beiträge zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Orientalistik
Orientalist Studies are a comparatively young discipline with origins traceable back as far as into the 18th century. The reflection and analysis of their rise, evolvement, and processes of differentiation constitute a significant research objective for the history of scholarship. The series offers a platform for disciplinary research of the many Orientalist sub-disciplines, as well as their relationship(s) to neighbouring subjects, such as, for example, Old Testament Studies. For consideration of publication, the editorial board extends the invitation for submission of monographs, anthologies, and conference proceedings in English, German, and French.
Edited by
Dr. Thomas L. Gertzen (,
Prof. Dr. Peter Heine (,
Dipl.-Theol. Ludger Hiepel M.A. ( and
Associations, Funds and Societies for the Archaeological Exploration of the ‘Ancient Near East’ Edited by Thomas L. Gertzen and Olaf Matthes Investigatio Orientis 10
2024 / ISBN 978-3-96327-248-6 / 323 pp. 95,00 € / open access |
95.00 €
Inclusive Histories of Egyptology Edited by Hana Navratilova, Thomas L. Gertzen, Marleen De Meyer, Aidan Dodson and Andrew Bednarski Investigatio Orientis 9
2023 / ISBN 978-3-96327-144-1 135,00 € |
135.00 €
Grenzgänger zwischen Theologie und Altorientalistik. Die Institutionalisierung altorientalistischer Forschung an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität in Münster (1910–1960) Ludger Hiepel Investigatio Orientis 8
in preparation, 2023 / ISBN 978-3-96327-146-5 |
in preparation |
Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf eine vielschichtige Persönlichkeit Herausgegeben von Benedikt J. Collinet, Ludger Hiepel, Martina Veselá und Michael Weigl Investigatio Orientis 7
2021 / ISBN 978-3-96327-106-9 / 734 pp. 138,00 € |
138.00 €
Beiträge einer internationalen Konferenz vom 4. bis 6. November 2019 in Berlin Herausgegeben von Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum und Thomas L. Gertzen Investigatio Orientis 6
2021 / ISBN 978-3-96327-098-7 / 334 pp. 58,00 € |
58.00 €
Workshop Organized at the 64th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Innsbruck 2018 Edited by Sebastian Fink and Hans Neumann Investigatio Orientis 5
in preparation, 2023 / ISBN 978-3-96327-246-2 |
in preparation |
Proceedings of the Egyptological Section of the 8th ESHS Conference in London, 2018 Edited by Hana Navratilova, Thomas L. Gertzen, Aidan Dodson and Andrew Bednarski Investigatio Orientis 4
2019 / ISBN 978-3-96327-080-2 / 304 pp. 79,00 € |
79.00 €
Marianne Eaton-Krauss Investigatio Orientis 3
2019 / ISBN 978-3-96327-048-2 / 174 pp. 59,00 € |
59.00 €
Ein Leben für die Hethitologie. Berlin – Ankara – Uppsala – Chicago Peter Raulwing / Theo van den Hout / Lars Petersen Investigatio Orientis 2
in preparation |
In preparation |
Altorientalistische Forschungen in Münster im Kontext der internationalen Fachgeschichte Herausgegeben von Ludger Hiepel und Hans Neumann Investigatio orientis 1
in preparation |
In preparation |