


Ägypten und Altes Testament

Studien zu Geschichte, Kultur und Religion Ägyptens und des Alten Testaments

Founded by Manfred Görg

Edited by Stefan Jakob Wimmer ( and Wolfgang Zwickel (

ISSN 0720-9061     


Volumes of this series





Altorientalistische Publikationen / Publications on the Ancient Near East


dubsar ( Sumerian), “scribe”.  –  Within the series dubsar studies on languages, texts, cultures and history of the Ancient Near East from the 3rd millennium BCE until 0 BCE and on the Nachleben der Antike are published. The series is open for monographs, editions, conference volumes, Festschriften, memorial volumes and collections of articles. Manuscripts are accepted for publication in German, English and French.

Peer review: The quality of the publications are ensured by an anonymous peer review process undertaken by specialist members of the Board or external specialists.

Edited by Prof. Dr. Kristin Kleber ( and  Dr. Kai A. Metzler (

ISSN 2627-7174


Volumes of this series



Investigatio Orientis

Beiträge zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Orientalistik


Orientalist Studies are a comparatively young discipline with origins traceable back as far as into the 18th century. The reflection and analysis of their rise, evolvement, and processes of differentiation constitute a significant research objective for the history of scholarship. The series offers a platform for disciplinary research of the many Orientalist sub-disciplines, as well as their relationship(s) to neighbouring subjects, such as, for example, Old Testament Studies. For consideration of publication, the editorial board extends the invitation for submission of monographs, anthologies, and conference proceedings in English, German, and French.

Edited by Dr. Thomas L. Gertzen (, Prof. Dr. Peter Heine (, Dipl.-Theol. Ludger Hiepel M.A. ( and Prof. Dr. Hans Neumann (

Peer review: The quality of the publications are ensured by an anonymous peer review process.

Volumes of this series





Publikationen zur ostmediterranen Antike / Publications on Eastern Mediterranean Antiquity


The series Kasion publishes studies on culture, history, philology and archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean antiquity: from Greece and the Aegean, Cyprus, Anatolia, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Palestine until Egypt. The series is open for monographs, editions, conference volumes, Festschriften, memorial volumes and collections of articles.  Kasion (Κάσιον ὂρος) is the Greek Name of the divine mountain Zaphon in the North-West of Ancient Syria derived from its Hurro-Hittite name Ḫazzi, the seat of the god Baal Zaphon and of Zeus Kasios, his interpretatio graeca  and, due to the transfer of his cult to Egypt, also the name of a hill at the Mediterranean coast of the Sinai.

Edited by Dr. Sebastian Fink (, PD Dr. Ingo Kottsieper ( and Dr. Kai A. Metzler (

ISSN 2626-7179


Volumes of this series




Studien zur Vorderasiatischen Archäologie / Studies in Near and Middle Eastern Archaeology


marru (Akkadian), “spade, shovel”.    Invited are monographs as well as conference proceedings and Festschriften that offer new studies on the history and archaeology of the Near and Middle East. Accepted languages of publication are German, English and French. 

Peer review: The quality of the publications are ensured by an anonymous peer review process undertaken by a specialist member of the Board or an external specialist.

Edited by Prof. Dr. Ellen Rehm (Wien/Münster) ( und Prof. Dr. Dirk Wicke (Frankfurt) (

ISSN 2569-5851


Volumes of this series



Melammu Workshops and Monographs


The series Melammu Workshops and Monographs is devoted to the topics of the Melammu Project ( and comprises the publication of the Melammu Workshops and outstanding monographs, related to the Melammu Project.

Peer review: The series adheres to the conventions of peer review.

Edited by Dr. Sebastian Fink (Helsinki) ( and Prof. Dr. Robert Rollinger (Innsbruck) (

Scientific Board: Alberto Bernabé (Madrid), Josine Blok (Utrecht), Rémy Boucharlat (Lyon), Eckart Frahm (New Haven), Mait Kõiv (Tartu), Ingo Kottsieper (Göttingen), Daniele Morandi Bonacossi (Udine), Sabine Müller (Marburg), Simonetta Ponchia (Verona), Kurt Raaflaub (Providence) †, Thomas Schneider (Vancouver), Rahim Shayegan (Los Angeles), Shigeo Yamada (Tsukuba).

ISSN 2698-8224


Volumes of this series




Historische Papyrologie, Epigraphik und verwandte Gebiete der antiken Kulturen /

Historical papyrology, epigraphy and neighbouring fields in ancient cultures 

Muziris (gr. Μουζιρίς) was an ancient port and trading city on the southwest coast of India, which is described in both Greek and Indian source texts. – The Muziris series mainly publishes scientific studies on the historical evaluation of papyrological evidence, but is also devoted to documentary texts from the neighboring areas of classical studies and thus aims at an evaluation of papyri, inscriptions, coins, graffiti, writing tablets and Ancient Near Eastern sources on social and cultural issues - and economic-historical issues.

The series is open to monographs, conference proceedings, commemorative publications and collections of articles. Manuscripts are accepted in German, English or French. All volumes (or in the case of anthologies: all contributions) are accompanied by summaries in English and French.

Peer Review: To assure the scientific quality the publications undergo an anonymous peer review (by two internal or external reviewers).

Edited by

Kerstin Droß-Krüpe (Kassel) (

Patrick Reinard (Trier) (

Sven Günther (Changchun) (

Sebastian Fink (Innsbruck) (

Stefan Baumann (Leuven) (

ISSN  2941-6752



Cutting-Edge Research in Cuneiform Studies


wEdge is a series devoted entirely to cutting-edge research in Cuneiform Studies. The series is open to proposals for manuscripts that deal with cuneiform sources analysed from anthropological and sociological theories, as well as other social sciences perspectives, such as reception and gender studies, literary criticism and historiography. Manuscripts (monographs, collective studies, proceedings) should be in English. Monographs in French and German are welcome as well. Collective works and conference proceedings that may contain articles in other modern European languages will be considered case by case by the editorial board and the publishing company Zaphon.

Manuscript evaluation and peer review process

The acceptance and the review process follow three steps: 1) the editor-in-chief estimates whether the manuscript’s topic and contents fit the series’ aims; if accepted, two associate editors will take care of the review process; 2) the associate editors provide an editorial review of the manuscript; 3) the manuscript is sent to an external single-blind peer reviewer. Each step has an option if the manuscript review will proceed to the next step.

Manuscript submission: Manuscript proposals should be submitted by email to the editor in chief (Lorenzo Verderame). 

Editor-in-Chief: Lorenzo Verderame (Sapienza Università di Roma) (

Editorial board: Eva von Dassow (University of Minnesota)

                              Agnès Garcia-Ventura (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

                              Jean-Jacques Glassner (CNRS)

                              Ann Guinan (Babylonian Section, Penn Museum, University of Pennsylvania)

                              Emanuel Pfoh (CONICET / University of Helsinki)

                              Jordi Vidal (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

ISSN 2698-7007