Rocío Da Riva / Ana Arroyo / Céline Debourse: Introduction
Ana Arroyo: Hittite Open-Air Cult Places and their Relation to the Community During Festivals
Mary R. Bachvarova: Greco-Anatolian Identity-Making in the Milesian Molpoi-procession
Céline Debourse: The New Year Festival in Seleucid Babylon: A Historical Assessment
Sebastian Fink: Neo-Assyrian Victory Celebrations: A Spectacle for the People
Tawny L. Holm: Sacrifice and Feasting in Papyrus Amherst 63
Mait Kõiv: Hera at Argos: Sanctuaries, Festivals, Myths and Stately Power
Jaume Llop-Raduà: Gods in the Archival and Other Middle Assyrian Texts: An Overview
Alice Mouton: Weapons and Divine Symbols: Expressing the King’s Legitimacy during Hittite Cultic Festivals
Ian Rutherford: Religious Travel and Pilgrimage in Mesopotamia and Anatolia: Problems of Evidence and Typology
Kostas Vlassopoulos: Slaves and Rituals in Ancient Societies