A. Aims and Context
B. Findings
C. Scope
D. Some Preliminary Notes
Chapter 1. The Evolution of Research on the Dying and Rising God in Mesopotamian Texts
A. The Early Era of Research: Late Antiquity Writings and the Decipherment of Ištar’s Descent
B. Research in the 1950s: After Deciphering Most of Inana’s Descent
C. Research from the 1960s Onwards: After Deciphering the Last Lines of Inana’s Descent
D. Inana’s Descent and Related Compositions: A Discussion
1. Dumuzi and Geštinana
2. The Death of Dumuzi
3. Ištar’s Descent
4. Inana’s Descent
E. Conclusions
Chapter 2. The Dying and Rising God in Mari Texts
A. Tablet A.1146: The Death and Return of Dumuzi
B. Tablet A.4540: The Burial of Dumuzi
C. Tablet MARI 5, 1987.14: The Return of Dumuzi
D. Discussion and Conclusions
Chapter 3. The Dying and Rising God in Ugaritic Texts
A. A Brief Overview of The Baal Cycle
1. The Literary Boundaries of the Baal vs. Yamm Conflict
2. The Plotline of the Baal vs. Yamm Conflict
3. The Relations between the Gods in the Baal vs. Yamm Conflict
4. The Literary Design of the Characters in the Baal vs. Yamm Conflict
5. The Authorship of the Baal vs. Yamm Conflict
B. A Summary of the Dying God Mythologem
C. Baal as a Dying and Rising God
1. Baal’s Death (KTU 1.5 V – 1.6 I 31; 1.6 II 13–23; 1.19 I; 1.12)
2. Baal’s Revival (KTU 1.6 III–IV; 1.17 VI)
3. Conclusions
D. Mot as a Dying and Rising God
1. Mot’s Death (KTU 1.6 II 30–35; IV 11–19; 1.23 8–11)
2. Mot’s Reappearance (KTU 1.6 II 35–37; V 7–11)
E. Conclusions
Chapter 4. The Dying and Rising God in a Text of Northwest Semitic Origin
A. The Myth of Elkunirša, Ašertu, and the Storm God (CTH 342.1)
B. Discussion and Conclusions
Chapter 5. The Dying and Rising God in the Post-Ugaritic Levant
A. Ritualistic Aspects of the Dying and Rising God Mythologem in Later Periods
B. Literary Aspects of the Dying and Rising God Mythologem in Later Periods
Chapter 6. Sources Related to the Storm God’s Descent to the Netherworld without a Subsequent Ascent
A. Iškur And Enlil (Ni 12501)
B. The Song of Release (CTH 789)
C. Zechariah 12:10–11
D. Conclusions
Chapter 7. Summary and Conclusions
A. Early Occurrences of the Dying and Rising God Mythologem in the Ancient Near East
B. The Origin and Development of the Dying and Rising God Mythologem in West Asia
C. Epilogue